GreenArrow Documentation

SendGrid Integration

This page explains how to integrate BOUNCE reports when using SendGrid as a relay server. With these instructions it is possible to setup your SendGrid to forward bounces to GreenArrow for processing and the statistics section in GreenArrow Engine and GreenArrow Studio (if present) will display the information from the bounce.

Setting up SendGrid bounce forwarding

  1. Login to SendGrid.
  2. Click on the Email Reports menu, then Bounces: sendgrid_bounces1.png
  3. Click the Settings link that is shown in the top of the page: sendgrid_bounces2.png
  4. Check Enable bounces forwarding, make sure that the email address field is empty, then click on Save Changes: sendgrid_bounces3.png
Bounce Forwarding References

This setup works because SendGrid’s bounce forwarding function can forward the bounce notification to the original Return-Path (bounce address) in the message. GreenArrow is able to process these forwarded bounes.

Setting up SendGrid spam complaint forwarding

  1. Login to SendGrid.
  2. Click on Apps in the top menu: sendgrid_spam1.png
  3. Click Show Disabled Apps: sendgrid_spam2.png
  4. Hover over the Forward Spam app to display the actions available, then click on the Settings link: sendgrid_spam3.png
  5. Enter a GreenArrow spam complaint mailbox address in the Email field, then click Save Changes: sendgrid_spam4.png
  6. Finally, click on the Enable button that is available when hovering over the Forward Spam app.
Spam Complaint Forwarding References

The Forward Spam app documentation can be found here: