GreenArrow Documentation

Speed Considerations


Test Lists

A list of 10,000 addresses that a default GreenArrow Engine configuration will deliver to a dummy SMTP service is attached here.

You can also generate your own test list by using addresses at subdomains of For example:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Dummy SMTP Service

smtp-sink accepts, then silently discards messages that you send to it. Be sure to quit smtp-sink and to remove the test configuration when you’re ready to perform live sends.

You can use the smtp-sink application to benchmark how quickly your injecting application is able to hand messages off to GreenArrow Engine using SMTP. Performing this test removes GreenArrow Engine performance from the equation, while keeping network latency equal to what it would be while injecting into GreenArrow Engine.

Here’s an example invocation, which binds smtp-sink to port 1587:

/var/hvmail/bin/smtp-sink :1587 50

Press Ctrl-C to quit when you’re finished testing.

Dummy QMQP Service

qmqp-sink accepts, then silently discards messages that you send to it. Be sure to quit qmqp-sink and remove the test configuration when you’re ready to perform live sends.

You can use the qmqp-sink application to benchmark how quickly your injecting application is able to hand messages off to GreenArrow Engine using QMQP. Performing this test removes GreenArrow Engine performance from the equation, while keeping network latency equal to what it would be while injecting into GreenArrow Engine.

Here’s an example invocation, which binds qmqp-sink to port 1628:

/var/hvmail/bin/qmqp-sink :1628 50

Press Ctrl-C to quit when you’re finished testing.