GreenArrow Documentation

Bounce Processor Concepts


This page describes GreenArrow’s bounce processor from a conceptual point of view. See the Bounce Processor Configuration page for configuration instructions.

The bounce processor is responsible for receiving and processing bounce messages that are received at Bounce Mailboxes. The bounces are parsed to determine the reason for the bounce, along with the recipient address, ListID, and the SendID of the message. Each processed bounce triggers a bounce_all event.

The bounce processor tracks the number of bounces to an email address and the amount of time the email address has been bouncing for. It combines this information with its configuration to determine if the email address is no longer valid. If the email address is no longer valid, then the bounce processor issues a bounce_bad_address event so you can deactivate the email address in your database.

When bounce_all and bounce_bad_address events occur, the Event Notification System can notify you via an SQL Query, HTTP Post, or one of its other event delivery methods.

The bounce processor works hard to avoid deactivating addresses that are valid, as well as to make sure that all invalid addresses are properly identified.

Proper bounce processing is essential for deliverability, as a sender can be blocked for sending to a high percentage of invalid addresses.

SimpleMH Requirements

These settings are not required for SimpleMH. SimpleMH will automatically set the ListID and the Return-Path based on the configuration of the Mail Class.

Raw Injection Requirements

If you are using Raw Injection, you must configure a couple of things in the messages you send.

Set the ListID

You must set the ListID to a correct and consistent value. The repeat bounce counting is done on a per-ListID basis, so the ListID must be consistent.

The ListID is described on the GreenArrow Concepts, and the X-GreenArrow-ListID header, which is used to set the ListID is described on the Raw Injection Method Headers page.

Set the Return-Path

The Return-Path is the field in an email message that determines where bounces are sent. You must properly set the Return-Path on outgoing messages for the bounce processor to work.

The Return-Path should be set to a valid Bounce Mailbox’s address.

Details of how to set the Return-Path can be found on the Raw Injection Method Headers page.

Events Triggered

There are two event types triggered by the bounce processor:

  1. bounce_all -- Triggered for every bounce received. (Do not use this to deactivate email addresses in your database.)
  2. bounce_bad_address -- Triggered when an address is detected as bad and should be deactivated in your database.

Types of Bounces (Hard/Soft/Other)

GreenArrow breaks bounce messages down into three different types:

Type Description
Hard A hard bounce is where the ISP is explicitly saying that this email address is not valid. Typically this is a user does not exist error message.
Soft A soft bounce is an error condition, which if it continues, the email address should be considered invalid. An example is a DNS Failure (code 21) bounce message. This can happen because the domain name no longer exists, or this could happen because the DNS registration expired and will be renewed tomorrow, or there was a temporary DNS lookup error. If the DNS failure messages persist, then we know the address is bad.
Other An other bounce is an error condition where the delivery failed which does not mean that the email address is bad. Typically this is a spam blocking. Instead of removing the email addresses from your list, you would want to solve whatever caused the blocking and restore delivery to these addresses.

About other bounces: In the future, we may build a quarantine facility for email addresses that consistently fail with other bounces. The reason is as follows: If an email address bounces with an other bounce every time we send to it, then there is no point in continuing to send to it, which may just bother the ISP. To solve this problem, instead of removing the email address from the list, the email address would be placed in a quarantine that would prevent you from sending to that email address. When this happens, you would be notified of the quarantine, and after fixing the root delivery problem, you could easily release the email addresses from quarantine.

Bounce Codes

Bounce messages are categorized into different bounce codes. Each code has a default type (Hard, Soft or Other).

Code Description Default type Example SMTP Response
0 Non-bounce Other  
10 Bad email address Hard 550 User Unknown
20 Temp failure - General Soft  
21 Temp failure - DNS Failure Soft  
22 Temp failure - Mailbox full Soft  
23 Temp failure - Message size too large Other  
29 Temp failure - Unable to connect Soft  
30 Bounce with no email address Other  
40 General bounce Other Sorry, I wasn't able to establish an SMTP connection. (#4.4.1)/I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.
50 Mail block - General Other  
51 Mail block - Known Spammer Other  
52 Mail block - Spam detected Other  
53 Mail block - Attachment detected Other  
54 Mail block - Relay denied Other  
59 Mail block - Unable to connect Other  
60 Auto-reply Other  
70 Transient bounce Other  
90 Unsubscribe request Hard  
100 Challenge response Other  
110 Over GreenArrow throttle limit Other  
120 Queue dumped Other  
121 Delivery paused then message expired Other  
122 Suppressed by System due to Subscriber Inactivity Other  
123 Blocked due to System policy enforcement Other  
200 Spam complaint NA NA

0 - Non-bounce

This occurs when the bounce processor receives an email that it determines is not a bounce notification.

29 - Soft bounce - Unable to connect

This is a soft bounce where we were unable to connect to the remote server. If there are many bounces with this code for a single domain, this usually means that the domain in not working or that the domain is blocking your mail server.

59 - Mail block - Unable to connect

This is a bounce where we were unable to connect to the remote server (much like code 29), however, this is to a large domain name, so we are reasonably confident that the domain name did not cease to exist, but that they are blocking all connections from your IP address. Some large domains, when blacklisting, will completely block your IP from connecting to their servers.

110 - Over GreenArrow throttle limit

This bounce happens when a message has been in the queue past the queuelifetime limit, is scheduled for a delivery attempt, but that delivery attempt is can not be made because it would go over the configured throttle settings for that ISP or Relay Server (a connmaxout failure).

120 - Queue dumped

This is a bounce where GreenArrow was told to dump the messages in the queue. All the messages dumped from the queue will bounce with this code.

121 - Delivery paused then message expired

This is a bounce where GreenArrow was told to pause delivery of messages in a queue. After the maximum retry time, the messages are bounced, and they are bounced with this code.

122 - Suppressed by System due to Subscriber Inactivity

This is a bounce where GreenArrow suppressed sending to the recipient because they haven’t taken an action, such as clicking a link or loading images which signals engagement.

123 - Blocked due to System policy enforcement

This is a bounce where GreenArrow suppressed sending to the recipient because of an AUP violation or another policy issue.

Repeat Bounce Counting System

With soft bounces, we want to remove the email address if the email address continues to soft bounce over a period of time. GreenArrow Engine’s repeat bounce counting system implements this.

You can configure the how many times an email address / ListID combination must soft bounce before it is marked as bad, and therefore removed from your list. You can also configure similar requirements for hard bounces. (See note below on setting this for hard bounces.)

The system is designed so that it does the right thing with the typical settings regardless of your mailing frequency -- if you are sending daily, weekly, monthly, or only occasionally.

Name Description Typical Setting
soft_req_count Required number of soft bounces that must happen sequentially before an address will be marked as bad. If you want a single soft bounce to cause the address to be marked as bad, then set this to 1. 2
soft_req_days Minimum number of days between first soft bounce and last soft bounce, in order for an address to be marked as bad. 10
soft_allow_missing Number of emails that may be sent without receiving a soft bounce, without interrupting a sequence of soft bounces. 0
hard_req_count Same as soft_req_count except for hard bounces. 1
hard_req_days Same as soft_req_days except for hard bounces. 0
hard_allow_missing same as soft_allow_missing except for hard bounces. 0

These requirements must be met for an email address to be marked as bad:

  1. The required number of soft or hard bounces must be received for the email address and ListID combination. (This is the hard_req_count and soft_req_count settings.)
  2. All emails to that email address and ListID combination must have bounced, except that a configurable number may be allowed to not have bounced, (which is the hard_allowed_missing and soft_allowed_missing settings).
  3. The first bounce and the last bounce must be at least a certain number of days apart. (This is the hard_req_days and soft_req_days settings.)

Rule #1 is required because we want to make sure that the email address has bounced a certain number of times before we mark it as bad.

Rule #2 is required because we want to make sure that the email address is consistently bouncing, not just occasionally bouncing. For example, if the only requirement was that the email address bounce 10 times, and if we sent daily emails but the email address bounced once per week, without this rule the address would get removed after 10 weeks (because it would have reached 10 bounces). With the hard_allow_missing and soft_allow_missing parameters you can allow a few messages to be sent without producing bounces. This can be helpful if you require a large number of bounces because email is not perfect and sometimes messages get lost without producing bounces.

Rule #3 is required because we want to make sure that the email address is consistently bouncing over a long enough period of time to be sure it is actually bad. For example, if you send daily mailings, and if a user goes over quota for one week, you don’t want the 7 bounces generated to trigger a removal. By having soft_req_days set to 14, you would require that the error condition exists for at least two weeks.


With these settings:

Parameter Value
soft_req_count 3
soft_req_days 7
soft_allow_missing 1

Example #1

This bounce history would not cause the email to get removed because we have four bounces (which qualifies) but only four days between the first and last bounce (which does not qualify):

  • Email sent Jan 1 – bounced
  • Email sent Jan 3 – bounced
  • Email sent Jan 4 – bounced
  • Email sent Jan 5 – bounced

Example #2

This bounce history would not cause the email to get removed because we have only two bounces (which does not qualify) and eight days between the first and last bounce (which does qualify):

  • Email sent Jan 1 – bounced
  • Email sent Jan 9 – bounced

Example #3

This bounce history would cause the email to get removed because we have four bounces (which qualifies) and 8 days between the first and last bounce (which qualifies):

  • Email sent Jan 1 – bounced
  • Email sent Jan 3 – bounced
  • Email sent Jan 6 – bounced
  • Email sent Jan 9 – bounced

Example #4

This bounce history would cause the email to get removed, because we have four bounces (which qualifies) and 8 days between the first and last bounce (which qualifies), and only one missing bounce (the email sent on Jan 7) (which qualifies):

  • Email sent Jan 1 – bounced
  • Email sent Jan 3 – bounced
  • Email sent Jan 6 – bounced
  • Email sent Jan 7 – did not bounce
  • Email sent Jan 9 – bounced

Example #5

This bounce history would not cause the email to get removed, because we have four bounces (which qualifies) and 8 days between the first and last bounce (which qualifies), but two missing bounces (the email sent on Jan 5 and Jan 7) (which does not qualify):

  • Email sent Jan 1 – bounced
  • Email sent Jan 3 – bounced
  • Email sent Jan 5 – did not bounce
  • Email sent Jan 6 – bounced
  • Email sent Jan 7 – did not bounce
  • Email sent Jan 9 – bounced

Considerations for Hard Bounces

GreenArrow allows you to setup repeat bounce counting for hard bounces, but we recommend being very careful with this.

The reason you may want to require more than one hard bounce is that very rarely an ISP will send a hard bounce for an email address that actually exists. Often this is a software error at the ISP. It sounds strange, but we have seen this happen.

The caution is that if you are starting to send to a list that has not had correct bounce processing done (perhaps imported from other software that was not processing bounces correctly), it’s imperative for deliverability that you get the hard bouncing addresses removed as quickly as possible, so you want to deactivate addresses after a single hard bounce.

If your list is already clean, and your hard bounce percentage is low, then to protect against this you can set hard_req_count=2 and hard_req_days=2.

Viewing Data

You can view statistical information about bounces by looking at a Send’s Statistics in GreenArrow Engine’s web interface. For a particular send, click the Bounce stats tab to view these stats.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Bounce Messages

There are two kinds of bounce messages, depending on when the failure happens:

Synchronous Bounce Messages

This is where a remote SMTP server rejects the message in the SMTP conversation with a 5xx error code. (Or if the message is continually deferred, once it reaches the maximum retry time, GreenArrow Engine will consider this an SMTP failure.) Internally, GreenArrow creates a bounce message and sends this to the bounce processor. This bounce message is a synchronous bounce message.

“Synchronous” means same time -- these are bounce messages were the failure happens at the same time as the SMTP conversation.

Asynchronous Bounce Messages

This is where a remote SMTP server accepts the message via SMTP, and then later determines that it can not deliver the email, and returns a bounce message back to the Return-Path address of the message. This bounce message is an asynchronous bounce message.

This message will show accepted via SMTP, but then later a bounce will be logged.

“Asynchronous” means NOT at the same time -- these are bounce messages were the failure happens NOT at the same time as the SMTP conversation.


The GreenArrow bounce processor processes both synchronous and asynchronous bounce messages.

In the reporting, synchronous bounces contribute to (a) the SMTP failures in the GreenArrow stats (the SMTP Sever Stats tab, the TOTAL row, and the Failure column), and (b) the total number of bounces (the Bounce stats tab, the Total Bounces number. Asynchronous bounces only contribute to the total number of bounces (b). This is because asynchronous bounces don’t have a failure in the SMTP conversation.

Service and Logfile

Bounces and spam complaints are processed and logged by the same service. To monitor this service’s log file, execute the following command:

tail -F /var/hvmail/log/bounce-processor/current | tai64nlocal

The bounce processor is run from the /service/hvmail-bounce-processor service.

To temporarily turn off the bounce processor, run:

svc -d /service/hvmail-bounce-processor

To turn it back on run:

svc -u /service/hvmail-bounce-processor

To check whether the service is on, run:

svstat /service/hvmail-bounce-processor

Bounce Processor Queue

As bounces occur, they get delivered to GreenArrow’s bounce processing queue.

Normally GreenArrow’s bounce processor is able to keep up with the rate at which bounces are queued. You can verify that it is by running the hvmail_status status command, then looking at the “Bounce processor queue” section of the output. For example, the following output shows that there are 0 messages in the bounce processor’s queue:

Bounce processor queue:           0% used (     0/  3000) soft limit
                                  0% used (     0/  5000) hard limit

The “hard” and “soft” limits that are referenced in the above output are described in the Bounce Processor Configuration page.