GreenArrow Documentation

Supported Linux Distributions

Supported Distributions

GreenArrow Engine and Studio are supported within the following Linux distributions.


  • CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, or Scientific Linux 7.x 64-bit

Also supported for new installations:

  • CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, or Scientific Linux 6.x 64-bit or 32-bit
  • Debian 9.x Stable 64-bit
  • Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS 64-bit
  • Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS 64-bit
  • Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS 64-bit

Partitioning Guidelines

If the server is dedicated to GreenArrow products, then we recommend the following:

  1. Create a single 20GB / partition during the Linux installation process, and leave the remaining disk space unpartitioned. GreenArrow’s technical support will allocate the remaining space while installing GreenArrow.

    NOTE: if you or your hosting provider use RAID arrays, then please still put the disks in your desired RAID configuration, but leave the space outside of the root partition unpartitioned.

  2. If the server uses a combination of SSD and non-SSD disks, then we recommend creating the / partition on non-SSD disks, so that all available SSD disk space can be dedicated to GreenArrow.

CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and Scientific Linux 6.x and 7.x Notes

We recommend selecting the ‘Base’ package group only during the installation and having GreenArrow install the remaining prerequisite software at the same time as GreenArrow.

Debian and Ubuntu Notes

We recommend installing the OpenSSH server and otherwise performing a minimal 64-bit installation before having GreenArrow install the remaining prerequisite software at the same time as GreenArrow.

End of Life Linux Distributions

Once we add support for a Linux distribution, we continue to support it until it reaches its end-of-life date from its vendor. The end-of-life date is when updates stop being released.

We used to support running GreenArrow on the following Linux distributions, but no longer do because they are end-of-life. If you use one of these distributions to run GreenArrow, then we recommend migrating to an in-support Linux distribution:

  • CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and Scientific Linux 5.x 32-bit and 64-bit. These Linux distributions had an end-of-life date of April 1, 2017.
  • Ubuntu 12.04. This Linux distribution reached end-of-life in April 2017.
  • Debian 7. This Linux distribution reached end-of-life in May 2018.

You have two options for changing Linux distributions:

  1. Migrate to a new server.
  2. Take a set of backups, upgrade your existing server to a new Linux distribution, then restore the backups.

We can migrate or backup and restore GreenArrow for you. Please contact GreenArrow’s technical support if you’d like assistance.